puerh tea

PuerhTea Raw and Ripe

보이차에 대한 간단한 영어설명을 위한 글입니다.  영어로는 보이차를 PuerhTea Raw and Ripe 라고 합니다. 

Puerh Tea

보이차를 영어로 Pu’er tea 또는 Puerh tea 라고 합니다. 후발효된 차를  fermented tea 라고 부릅니다. 후발효가 많이 진행된 보이차를 흑차(black tea)류에 분류하기도 합니다.

Raw 생차

: (Sheng, green) 생차(shaeng cha)

보이차 생차


Ripe 숙차

: (Shou, Black) 숙차(shook cha)

At first, shou pu-erh goes through the exact same steps as the sheng pu-erh. However, at the stage of producing the cakes it undergoes the following procedure, called ‘wet piling’ (渥堆 – Wo Dui):

보이차 숙차


New Tea 신차

Production for the current year 당해년도 생산
within three years of production 생산후 3년정도 이내
row and ripe

The middle puerh 중기차

3~7 years

Aged Tea 오래된 차 (노차) 

old puerhtea

a thing that has been stored for more than seven~ten years. 7~10년 이상 보관된 것

1. Aged raw puerh

오래된 보이생차

2. Aged ripe puerh

오래된 보이숙차

3. The middle puerh 중기차

3~7 years


Post-fermentation 후발효

후발효 차를 부르는 비슷한 단어들 입니다 : Fermented tea, post-fermented tea, dark tea

As time goes by, raw tea becomes post-fermented like a Puerh-Black

But it has a different scent and taste from the Puerh-Black

Puerh-Black was fermented a lot when it was first produced.

So the scent and taste became very soft.

There is not much change over time. But it’s soft and clear.

Raw tea has a variety of flavors and flavors as polyphenols, amino acids, and many other ingredients are fermented over the years.

It is called a “aged puerh (no-cha, old puerhtea)” that has changed a lot over the years.



Fermented tea


yixing teapot 자사호



자사호 자니

The new one has no shine. 새것은 광이 없습니다.
The more you use it, the more shiny it is. 사용할면 할수록 광이 납니다.
The new one absorbs aroma and taste in the early stages of use. 새 것은 향과 맛을 흡수합니다.
The more you use it, the more it brings out the taste and aroma of puerhtea. 사용하면할 수록 보이차의 맛과 향을 살려줍니다.
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